What Is Awana
Awana is a ministry designed to teach children the Word of God to build a strong and healthy relationship with their Lord and Savior. Also, to equip children with the Word of God to disciple others.
- Awana helps churches reach children for Christ through fun, scripture-rich experiences that lead them to know, love, and serve Him.
- Awana equips leaders and parents to reach and disciple children with the gospel.
- Educate the world through evangelism and lifelong discipleship.
At the Heart of Our Ministry
At the heart of our ministry is the great connection; combining a highly scriptural focus with one that is highly relational. That means our desire is to relate to the kids on a personal level, helping them feel loved and cared for. But we want those relationships to also be highly scriptural. We want to exemplify God’s love in the way we live our own lives and in our own dependence on His Word. We want to encourage them to become students of the Bible and lifelong disciples.
1 Thes. 2:8 So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
Awana Mission and Vision
Our Vision is to reach and disciple children with the foundation of the Gospel, so they can reach and disciple others with the truth of God.
Our Mission is to teach children to be a reflection of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To listen to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide them. To trust and obey God the Father with all their heart, mind, and spirit.
Matthew 28:19-20 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” [b]Amen.
As believers, we ALL have this mission in common. Christ instructed His followers to make disciples by proclaiming the gospel, and teaching others all that He commanded us.
Cubbies encourages parental involvement. Your child's handbooks feature parent-child activities for home. You will lead your child through handbook sections, called Bear Hugs, to prepare for the next club gathering. Each Bear Hug includes optional activities, called "Under the Apple Tree," for reviewing Bible verses and lessons learned earlier. An audio CD included in your child’s handbook has review material that you can listen to together.
At the club house, your Cubbie will review the verse you helped teach at home. Working through the handbook with your child develops your spiritual leadership and helps you instill your child with a lifelong biblical worldview.
At the club house, your Cubbie will review the verse you helped teach at home. Working through the handbook with your child develops your spiritual leadership and helps you instill your child with a lifelong biblical worldview.
Sparks ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.
To many children in kindergarten to second grade, Sparks is the highlight of the week! They love their red vests, the exciting games and spending time with leaders and friends.
To many children in kindergarten to second grade, Sparks is the highlight of the week! They love their red vests, the exciting games and spending time with leaders and friends.
T & T
T&T ( Truth and Training) engages third- through sixth-graders by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ's grace.
Handbooks and large-group lessons deepen a child's knowledge about God and His Word and teach how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life.
Handbooks and large-group lessons deepen a child's knowledge about God and His Word and teach how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life.
Click here to read the Awana Manual for 2021-2022